Friday, September 24, 2010


What a fun weekend! We went with the Wiburgs down to Hapuna Prince Hotel (for Eze's birthday). We spent our weekend eating at buffets (Let's go Crabbing! and the breakfast buffet...YUM!), swimming in the pool and the ocean, watching TV and enjoying each others company!
I swear, I probably gained 5 lbs! But it was well worth it :-)

In between our relaxation, we also experienced stair racing, a bee sting (by Kaili), chicken in the pool, staying up late, and a few pillow fights. All in all, it was a great "vacation"!

I thought this weeks reading assignment was really interesting. I am surprised that we can put a large amount of the population into a simple diagram, and that everyone can find a spot on it (of course there are exceptions, but for the most part, it works). I was wondering if a person, or a family, can consider themselves in multiple spots on the family map? Sometimes I feel like I am completely chaotic (messy, unorganized, I don't know where things are or sometimes I loose my husband...), and sometimes I feel really on top of things (my house is in complete order, I am early...). So would I consider how I am doing in a particular week, or would I average it out and put myself in the area I am like most of the time?

I really LOVED the assignment this week about our Family Analogy. I loved reading about how other people viewed their families. Great fun :-)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's Working

I feel so proud of myself...maybe it's the idea of making my list and physically writing something down, but we have started reading and praying in the morning! My kids actually look forward to this (they haven't discovered the joys of sleeping in, as of yet...maybe when they are closer to the teenage years!). They love holding their own Book of Mormon and they love finding the one that has their name on it before we begin. Tyler loves reading his paragraph :-)

I told Brad, "Look, if we read one page a day (which is just about all my kids can handle), we will be done in about 2 years!" Oh well, at least we're doing what we have been counseled, and we're spending a few minutes together before the day starts. I think it's a great thing!

Now we just have to fit a family night (FHE) in our week somewhere :-)

As for school...I really enjoyed the reading this week. I didn't know what to expect from this class, but I found myself reading parts of the statistics to my husband because I thought they were so interesting! I thought the most interesting fact was that people have a higher chance of staying married if they do NOT live together first! Surprising! Everyone (it seems like) lives together before they are married. Along with that, I thought it was interesting that the average age of getting married has moved from about 20-21 to 26-27...because of all those people living together. :-) A lot of interesting stuff...wonder what else we will read?

Monday, September 13, 2010

A New School Year

Well, school has started, but not only for the kids...I started this week as well. I get to keep a journal for my Family 160 class and I figure this is as good a spot as any...

So, here is my first official journal entry - for class...but also just for my own self (I must admit, I'm pretty excited to use this blog, because as you can see, I made it about a year ago and have written in it all of 2 times. Making myself have to write things down will be good for me...then I won't have to remember how to add a new entry every time I log onto this thing!).

As far as questions for class go, I don't really have any yet. I actually don't even really know what this class is about. Family, obviously, but it's like, researching the family. Having a family, I kind of thought I knew all about what a family is (or at least how mine works), but, I guess there's much to learn. I'm so glad I was able to add this class (thanks for making it bigger!)

My main goal for my family at this point is kind of for me. I want to make prayer, scripture study and family night a regular occurrence for us, which, as of this moment, it is not. Being the mom...I suppose it is my duty to make the time for this stuff...If only we had 40 hour days, instead of 24 hour days! Anyway, these goals are just things I need to put at the beginning of my day, instead of trying to jam it in to the end, and missing out...I'll let you know my progress this next week. I WILL START TODAY (it is Monday!) Let it begin!

My Sister-in-law gave me a cute idea for reading the scriptures. She told me to get a Book of Mormon for each person, so they can all "read along" (makes it more interesting/fun). Then, when we finish reading the entire Book of Mormon, we can write on the inside cover the date we completed it. I thought it was a cute idea. There were a couple other things she said...I will have to email her again...ahhh, my memory...I must take after my mother!

Excited for this class...excited to get cracking on the things I need/should/must/have to be doing! This will be all for now.