Saturday, October 20, 2012

Funnest. Summer. Ever!!

 The day after Tyler's baptism, Grandma and Grandpa Bryson shot off to Cedar City, Utah with Tyler and Kaili in tow.  The kids got to spend the entire summer at the ranch!  Of course, Grandma had a jam-packed list of things to do!  She wrote down a FEW of the events.  They are as follows:

Magic Shows
Learning to Shoot
Making a Bird Feeder
Collecting Beautiful Rocks
Finding Water Snakes
Chased Cows Away From the Garden (Kaili)
Made a Wagon
Planted a Garden
Hiked in the Forest
Played Games from 6-8 (nearly every night!)
Read the Book of Mormon (every night)
Read Little Britches
Swung in the Hammock
Entertained Neighbor Friends
Roasted Marshmellows
(Double Stacker!)

Bird Watching (3 feeders)
Collected Fire Wood
Played with Bo (the dog) endlessly
Tea Party (collected mint)
Slumber Party at Aunt Sharon's
Went to Church
Snow Cone Party
New Boots and Hats

Nets for Butterflies and Fish
Ice Cream Run to Duck Creek Village
On Chipmunk Guard (Bo's food)
I Spy Deer (Plentiful! Many successes!)
Played in Loft to Hear the Rain on the Roof
Taking Turns Being Pulled in the Wagon
Cleaning the Forest Around the Cabin
Morning Chores
Helped Grandma Cook!
Shucked Corn
Made Pizzas, Cakes, Bread Balls, Eggs, Whipped Batter...
Expert Apple Peelers
Hand Washing Laundry

Played UNO
School Suffered
Candy Pouches for Hikes
Character Traits Worth Acquiring
Dish Washing Brigade
Team Up to Make Beds
Patience to Anyone Who Has a Bad Day
English Accents
Saving the Card Under the Porch (Kaili)

Herded Cows From the Garden
Read Baptism Journal and Cried (Tyler)
Playing House and Store (in large black rocks on creek)
Tree House
Pull Wagon
Roasted S'mores
Ran like the Wind from Tree House to Fort to Stream to Pond
Playing Games

Grandma and Grandpa Teaching Kids to Dance
Torrential Rains
Getting Stuck, Un-stuck, Stuck, un-stuck (prayer)
Riding in Back of the Truck
Breaking Rocks to Find the Crystals and Gems inside
S'mores (they must have done this one A LOT!)

And this is what they did before we even got there!!!

Grandma Bryson actually sent me 2 pages (front and back) of fun things they did, but I couldn't find the second page (oops)...needless to say, she kept them BUSY! 

Like I said, this was The Funnest Summer EVER!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Beach Day?

Time for one last romp at the beach...

Just ask Sina, she's ready to go!  :-)

Camping...once again

 For one who doesn't like to camp...I sure did a lot of it this week!
 Waipio is sure beautiful!!

Ward Campout

 Before we left to the mainland, I had a week of camping.  First we headed off to the Loo's Ranch for a sunny weekend :-) 

Highlights included Art,
Pig Trapping

 Top Shot: This is my version of a push-up before throwing the hatchet (miss), shooting the sling shot (miss) and shooting at the tin cans with a BB gun (HIT!!) BTW, whoever took this picture, did not do me justice!
 And, of course, a mad sunburn!  Ouch, that one hurt!
I made it home just in time for writing my sacrament talk and packing up for Girl's Camp! It was a busy week before we left for vacation!

Bat Girl

'Tis time to start updating, catching up, looking back, remembering, DOing my blog again.  We're back from summer vacation (for a good month and a half now) and I've started taking pictures beyond vacation, sooo, I guess it's time to document.

This is Sina, in her favorite outfit! (Pre-vacation) I must say, she is to die for!