Friday, February 11, 2011


I should sleep. I'm tired. It's late. The day is over. It's almost tomorrow. My eyes are drooping. I'll be tired in the morning if I don't. Everyone else is sleeping.

Everyone else is sleeping.

This phrase means I do not have any obligation to anyone. It means I can sit and do nothing. I can watch T.V., or read, or eat, or compute, or anything, or nothing.

Because I don't have to get someone a glass of water. I don't have to change a stinky diaper. I don't have to wash some one's hands. I don't have to wipe a face, grab a jacket, tie a shoe, or pull up any pants. I don't need to drive anyone anywhere, or go pick anyone up. I don't have to cook any breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and I don't have to get any snacks out. I don't need to clean up any toys, or make any beds. I don't have to get any cups of water or clean any spills.

I can just sit. Relax. Rest. Type. I could also sleep.