I am pleased to say I have had a personal request to continue my blog. My class is over, so I am technically not required to write anymore...however, the suggestion to continue, due to the fact that the words transcribed from my brain to the computer, are not only informative and a way to "stay in touch"-given the distance in which we live from anyone with a
similar genetic code, I have been told my words tend to be on the
humorous side.
This is good. This is a point I try to make when I write, read, and re-read my blog, before I post. If I can make myself crack a smile, then perhaps another, somewhere far away, might have the same effect happening on their facial features as well.
requester didn't actually physically tell me the words, "Why did you stop writing on your blog?" but the message was relayed to me by an excellent source. That source also suggested to me that my
requester wanted me to continue...indefinitely.
Given the fact that I not only think rather favorably of this person who has asked me to persist in my
endeavour, I also think maintaining this blog will be a way for my
requester to get to know me a little better. After all, it's not like I run into a major fan every day! With a look into the life of me (and the family that
accompanies me), one could almost feel a part of our small group.
I think I will use this blog as an outreach program, stretching out beyond the borders of my little (Big) island. Giving anyone (specifically, my admirer) the opportunity to follow our lives. I'm delighted and thankful for the time and effort it took, out of an
unquestionably busy day, that my
requester not only hinted towards the continuance of this blog, but that this blog will also continue to get the honor of being
persistently read by this person.
Thanks Dad.

P.S. This picture looks funny because I had to cut a certain someone's body out of the space (hmmhmm...Jessie)