Thursday, April 12, 2012

We Have Lift Off!

We started with about 15 caterpillars, and killed off about 80% of those. But now, we have finally had success! We came home from a friend's house yesterday and...what were we to behold!?!

Not only do we kill caterpillars and chrystallises, but we also take care of the butterflies, too! One of our butterflies made its way into our fan light. Quickly, we turned off the light, but my big fingers couldn't get the bug out. The poor thing was in an insect graveyard! (Yuck!) I finally fished it out, but not before his wing was melted a little...but just on the tip...

Things didn't look so good for our little guy, and I didn't have high hopes for him. I did think we could use the body as a display for Kaili's science project though...

In the morning, the kids took it outside to set it free. It sat in the same spot for a few hours. Kaili ran back in later and said she saw the butterfly fly away. Hopefully, it really was flying away, and not being blown away by the giant force of the wind...
Tyler asked why Sina didn't want to hold it. "Because she doesn't like things that look buggy." She freaked out every time we put one near her, so we decided in the best interest of the butterfly, we wouldn't persist.

There is still hope for one more chrystalis. It should come out tomorrow.
Homework buddy

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