Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Girl's Day

 This seems to be Sina's new "favorite" pose.  I was doing something in the kitchen and she said, "MOM, ook (look)."  I didn't turn my head fast enough and she ran up to me and said, "MOM, come!"  So I came.  She got into her position and said, "Mom, ook!  Take a picture!"  I explained that I didn't know where my camera was, maybe it was in the car...and she would have to try this some other time.  I headed back to the kitchen. 

A few minutes later, she handed me my camera and told me to take a picture, so there you have it!  Sina's picture!

In other news, we decided to have a girls party after dance today and brought the whole crew home to play!
 Good thing we just bought a bunch of bathing suits from old navy!  Enough to go around!
 Play dough sculpture.  "The Brain"
 Cookie frosting time!
Time to go home.  Best part of the day?  Kaili said (of her own free will, no prodding on my part, at all!), "Thanks Mom!   This was the best day ever.  Thanks for bringing all of my friends over to play after dance!"

*Worth the mess!  ;-)

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